Here are some short descriptions of the research I’ve been doing for the past few years. Feel free to reach out and ask any additional questions you might have.
Online Failure
Spring 2013 - Present
My Dissertation research focuses on the experience of failure experiences in online communities by using a Crowdfunding as an example community. This research is in the beginning stages but will build off of research presented at CHI 2014.
Recent Publications
- Learning to Fail: Experiencing Public Failure Online Through Crowdfunding. M. and E. Gerber Greenberg. CHI 2014. PDF
Spring 2012 - Present
I’ve been working with Prof. Liz Gerber on research to understand Crowdfunding as a model for new online communities. In order to understand these new communities, we’ve been doing a series of things, including, running our own crowdfunding campaign, and interviewing project creators and funders. This research hopes to answer broad questions about the crowdfunding community, such as: “What motivates people to participate in crowdfunding?”
Recent Publications
- Understanding the Effects of Crowdfunding on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy, E. Harburg, J.S. Hui, M. Greenberg and E. Gerber, to appear at CSCW 2015
- Understanding the Role of Community in Crowdfunding Work. J. Hui, M. Greenberg and E. Gerber. CSCW 2014 (Honorable Mention). PDF
- Crowdfunding: A Resource Exchange Perspective, M. Greenberg. J. Hui and E. Gerber, CHI WIP 2013. PDF
- Crowdfunding Support Tools: Determining Success & Failure, M. Greenberg, K. Hariharan, E. Gerber and B. Pardo, CHI WIP 2013. PDF
- Understanding Crowdfunding Work: Implications for Support Tools. J. Hui, M. Greenberg and E. Gerber, CHI WIP 2013. PDF